German Uncle Family's Liver moss Silk" impressions of after-reading "
German Uncle Family's Liver moss Silk" is Hardy is celebrated worldwide “prestige Secker the Si series” a devoting. The novel described a chaste girl's unfortunate destiny. The leading character liver moss silk is a beautiful peasant family young girl, because of loss of chasties the master young master inducements and threats is pregnant. Henceforth, this shame's fact eliminated her to accept the true love the right, the cause wedding night suffers the husband to abandon. In afterward, absolutely cancould be helped, she has re-entered young master's bosom, unexpectedly, she that nominal husband towed sickness to drive the great distance return at this moment, searched with hardship. The liver moss silk for the true love, kills the young master who resolutely lives together, in after husband short joyful reunion, has stepped onto the scaffold. Father Germany uncle's benightedness, pushed somebody into doing something the liver moss silk regarding the money to fall down greedily society's abyss; But the Asian thunder evil shameless is reduced to ashes liver moss silk young girl's all happy dreams, urged her to meet changed her life the third matter--Falls in love with An Ji· Claye. But is precisely this An Ji· Claye, this has name of the angel spiritless man--Has created the liver moss silk tragedy finally. Some people will say that An Ji· Claye will be the true this critique person, but he will live without doubt in that time, he will require the time to release itself, what will be noticeable, An Ji· Claye will be loves the liver moss silk, that love will be at least really, but will not be looks like the Asian thunder to be the same, only then the passion, will treat as the liver moss silk own puppet. Therefore I thought that the liver moss silk the tragedy should be, perhaps in the modern society which time then bred also will have such matter occurrence, but regarding the liver moss silk same person, the survival opportunity are likely many. Gathers submits a written statement, I wanted to whip society then, accused the Asian thunder the shameless act, despised An Ji spiritless, the sympathetic liver moss silk pitiful bitter experience.
跪求《苔丝》的英文读后感! 1000字左右 谢谢!
Tess of the d’Urbervilles
“Tess of the d’Urbervilles” is regarded as one of Thomas Hardy’s
most famous masterpieces in the world.I was deeply impressed by the story:the poor girl girl---Tess Durbeyfields had to work for Alec d’Urbervilles in order to support her family.She was so beautiful that the so-called gentleman seduced her.And form then on,Tess’s life was doomed to be a tragedy.Later she found her true love ---Angel Clare.However,when Tess told him about her misery past soon after their wedding day,the man deserted Tess instead of forgiving her becaused he learned that Tess was not as pure as he thought---she was no more a maiden.Angel went to Brazil alone and asked Tess not to write to him .Tess waited for his return,living in a sorrow.Finally,Alec found her and wanted her to be his woman by all possible means .In order to get rid of him ,Tess had no choice but to murder him.It is such a heartbroken story that I couldn’t help thinking about it for several days.
Tess has a strong sense of responsbility and self respect.Her father was lazy and her mother was blind.She was exactly the one who devoted herself to the family.I think,as a daughter ,she had done encough.She was also strongwilled and optimistic.There had been much gossip in the small village because of her prengnancy and people in the village looked down on her .However,she managed to recover from all these and decided to begain a new life at a distant dairy farm.
Tess was independent and loyal to love .She refused to get money from either Alec or Angel,she made a living on her own.She worked hard.What’s more,she was honest.She confessed her sufferings to her husband even though her mother told her not to.She did nothing wrong,she was just a little child at that time.
Tess was brave encough to kill Alec—the man who ruined her whole life.She set a good example to the women throughout ages.And she didn’t accept the unfair fate as it was,instead she resisted the tempatation of Alec and she won over the misfortunes in some way.
I admire Tess for her attitudes toward life;I also show my profound sympathy for Tess’s miserable fate;I envy Tess for she had the courage to fight against fate.
"Tess" feeling after reading
"Tess" write is social how to put a pure, simple and honest, hardworking, intelligent, the beauty of the countryside girl cornered, finally kill story. She in different artistic image acplished a tragedy, reaching for reaching story also because of this tragedy success became very old very old people heart pain. Its plot using today's viewpoint seem old-fashioned, but it reflects the ancient patriarchal rural in capitalist powers erosion under the disintegration of the tragedy. Tess's non-virgins. Is mainly ya-lei rydberg responsibility, her second fall into ya-lei rydberg hands. Her parents, Ann machine. Klein and ya-lei rydberg joint responsibility. And she finally killed ya-lei rydberg was one. Representatitive of bullying the weak last resistance. In Tess body, we see is pure throughout her to persecute her strength nature of struggling.
Tess was strong, optimistic, her destiny is irreversible. Even more to Tess several times choose, I believe she eventually will still be beaten track, unless the chi klein did not abandon her migrate. About social tragedy, family tragedy, human tragedy have had many definitions, and that makes me feel sigh only Tess and klein's love tragedy. Two people suffered terribly, e full circle back to the origin, just different, Tess chose death to fulfil their beautiful love. After all what is with a sieve. For Tess speaking, she bear suffering far outweigh the clay, and her inner stray helpless clay never experience less than, if not Tess's kindness infatuation, it takes to love klein, they have already bee two strangers. Groaned Tess of the actual make nothing, had been insulted, but think only of to fulfil klein's noble purity, finally can only put clay please give his sister. In the love of clay is pletely manipulation, eventually the big winners, Tess is pletely, the victim of pure devotion self it shall not end until my death. Klein showed that although look is to maintain heart to love beliefs, actual existend is that copy of cold and selfishness! His love is only themselves, and not on the image of a fictional living Tess. If it's not in a foreign country suffer illnesses cause failure I believe that he will remember a Tess in mud in bitter waiting for him to rescue.
求哪位强人提供一篇 苔丝 的读后感 1500字左右
昨天晚上读完苔丝 结尾的感觉很难过 很压抑 虽然早已结局 但真的看到的时候还是感觉很难受 没哭 但 很难过
苔丝 一个很好的女孩啊 为什么呢? 我 ...还得说 造化弄人啊
一个十六岁的乡村女孩 苔丝 他的父亲忽然知道自己是一个大贵族的后裔 就在算计着怎么才能享受贵族的生活 结果就是让苔丝去认亲 导致苔丝悲剧命运的开始 在那里 她遇上了一个最好一辈子都不要遇上的人 亚雷克 一个并不是她们家的但姓她们家姓的一个人 一个花花公子 最后 玷污了纯洁的苔丝 要知道 那是苔丝只有16岁啊! 一个什么都不懂的女孩
就这一点 我得说说 苔丝真得是什么都不懂 所以没怎么挣扎就...因为她真得什么都不知道 唉 不禁感叹 天真幼稚其实也不太好 会吃大亏的 而且是这么大的亏 虽然亚雷克不是什么好人 但他后来的几句话还是说对了:“你这个人也太无知了,根本不懂世态炎凉!我可以诚恳的告诉你,对于当父母的来说,若是始终让自己的女儿处于危险之中,不让她们知道世路的艰险 恶人的阴毒,那么,不管他们是处于良好的动机,还是完全因为漠不关心,反正都是不应该的。”确实 这是家庭教育问题 看来做人真是不能太天真了 天真的连自救能力都没有了。
自此以后 苔丝 怀孕了 当她怀孕的时候 似乎才搞明白是怎么一回事 还怪她妈妈不早告诉她 孩子出世没多久 就死了 当然 社会舆论很多啊 所以她就去几百里以外的奶牛场工作了 在那 她遇上了 她第二个不应该遇上的人 至少我是这么觉得 一个她真正爱的人 但我始终以为那个人辜负了她的爱
安琪 牧师的小儿子 可以说 安琪 是一个不信教 有着新思想的进步青年 一开始还对他抱着希望 希望他不会因为世俗的观念而抛弃苔丝 不过 看来 他还是一个进步的不够彻底的一个人 就像很多人说的 有些“伪善”当然不是说他的人性 而是他一边说自己不信教 思想开明 能接受新事物 但一边又受不了众人的眼光 自己妻子以前的错误 还是道德观念在作祟 苔丝也够天真的了 她觉得她隐瞒一切会对不起安琪 还梦想着他会原谅她 看来她看错人了 在他们结婚的当晚 苔丝说了一切之后 苔丝的一切就全完了 其实我相信 安琪是爱苔丝的 不然也不会在梦游时表露自己的情感 但 他还是被道德束缚着 不能接受这突如其来的一切。
他们分开之后 安琪去了巴西 他走时 对苔丝说 我只是还不能接受 等我能接受了 我就回来接你 你要是有病或没钱 过不下去了 你可以去找我父亲
但苔丝 是一个自尊心很强的女孩 他到回来的时候才发现苔丝一直没找过他父亲 那时他才明白过来 苔丝是一个什么样的女孩 不过 已经晚了 因为 那个亚雷克在最不应该出现的时候又再次出现了 不过也很讽刺 他的出现是以一个改过自新的宗教卫道者的身份出现 见到苔丝后 因为苔丝的美 而抑止不住自己 再一次 喜欢了她 我 最不能理解的就是 亚雷克给自己的理由是:“是你引诱了我 虽然你什么都没做 但你让我看到了你 你的眼睛 你的鼻子 无一不在诱惑着我 ”这不禁让我想起了《莺莺传》里 张生抛弃了莺莺 而原因就是因为你长的太漂亮了 所以才诱惑我爱上了你 现在我不喜欢你了 是弃恶从善了 这都什么理由啊 女孩长的漂亮也是错么? 怪不得花容月貌的花雪说:“我有了钱 第一件事就是整容 整个好人的容貌。唉 可悲啊 这一什么江湖啊
苔丝刚刚被亚雷克再次占有的时候 安琪才如梦方醒 去找苔丝 可一切已经太晚了 不过 苔丝给了我一个意想不到的做法 其实 在这个时候 我也真的想不出 还能有什么做法 才能让苔丝回到安琪的身边 安琪好不容易才想通了 她的第一次是被诱惑的 这第二次又该怎么解释 但苔丝 的做法 就是把亚雷克给杀了 唉 我怀疑 她那时一定已经被压抑的精神崩溃了 完全没想后果 她追上了安琪 说把他给杀了的事 这一点 我始终觉得写的不合情理 他怎么这么快就想通了呢?总之 他与苔丝开始逃亡 当然没逃几天就被捉住了
印象最深的是 那天夜里 他们在树林中歇息 苔丝躺在大石上睡着了 然后十六个警察围了上来 这时安琪说:等她醒了 好么?” 那些警察就在等苔丝醒 我真的觉得 那时的苔丝是最美的 那时的她能够睡着 说明她已经不太在意杀人的事了 而且她也说 她就在等着别人来抓他 而且 她和自己心爱的人在一起 哪怕一分一秒
醒了之后 她说:“他们来抓我了? 这是理所当然的事。安琪 我几乎感到高兴--是的 非常高兴!这样的幸福实在是太过分了。我已经享受够了。而且,我也不担心你会有嫌弃我的一天了!。”
苔丝 就这么死了
我不明白 一个很好的女孩 为什么 会落的如此结果 她有什么错? 漂亮?天真?自尊? 我不想说是这个社会 社会是个抽象的东西 但为什么很多人说 是这个社会害死了很多人 他们都是社会的牺牲品 那么没死的人呢? 他们又是什么? 死的人都是好人 那没死的又是什么? 终究苔丝的死 是因为什么?